Visualizing the Urban Climate Crisis

Photos taken at the See Change exhibition

Climate change is a pressing issue that has crucial impacts on our lives, both now and in the future. However, it can seem too large and abstract for people to respond to effectively or to consider in their everyday lives. To help address these challenges, the Foundation for Training and Economic Empowerment in Africa (FOTEA), in partnership with the University of Leeds, hosted an exhibition at the Uganda Museum titled “See Change: Visualising the Urban Climate Crisis.

The exhibition brought together emerging and established photographers who participated in a masterclass to explore new ways of visually representing climate change from different perspectives. The work created during the masterclass was presented at the Transport Gallery of the Uganda Museum from February 15th to March 17th. The objective of this endeavor was to equip visual storytellers with the tools needed to raise awareness of the local impacts of climate change in Africa’s urban environments, help people understand the climate crisis better, and encourage them to advocate for change.

Attending the exhibition opening on February 15th was a great honor for us, as the exhibited work is closely linked with our thematic pillar of climate preservation. Artists, civil society activists and other stakeholders engaged in conversation through presentations and panel discussions exploring how we can embed social justice into climate action and how effective

The exhibition included the following works.

  • Gather In Reverence Of Our Earth, Or Die by Mildred Apenyo
  • City Recyclers – A New Front for Tackling Climate Change by Oluwatosin Ei’eke Bolaji
  • Street Tree by Badru Katumba Sultan
  • Preparing the Next Generation of Climate Warriors by Derrick Milimo
  • Within My Withering Garden by Nicholas Shawn Mugarura
  • The Fog That Looms by Vanessa Mulondo
  • A Dirty Job: Climate Change Mitigation by Timothy Namara
  • The Men on the Water by Aidah Namusoke
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Urban Farming by James Wasswa
  • A Tale of Grace and the Little Earth Soldiers by Sam Brian Kiseka


(The exhibition launch was preceded by a guided virtual walkthrough of the exhibition, which can be viewed here.)

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John Mark Bwanika

John Mark Bwanika is a medical doctor and Global E-health specialist. He is a founding partner of Rocket Health Africa, a digital health and Telemedicine Company in Africa, where he serves as the Chief Operations & Research Officer. He has previously worked as a research medical doctor and coordinator of clinical research at the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) Limited, Kampala.

Linda Mutesi

Linda is a feminist lawyer, curator, and social entrepreneur. She believes in the sharing of wealth and investment into our communities and explores this work with The Future Generations (FG) Foundation.